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Social Media Invitations

How do I invite players into my Predictor League by Social Media? In addition to e-mail you can invite players into your Predictor League by WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, etc. and by SMS Text message! 1, To invite Players into your League by Social Media – you need to create a “Social Media Pool” of invitations. You create a Social Media Pool by clicking the “CREATE NEW” button in the Social Media Invites Section

2, From the “CREATE A NEW SOCIAL MEDIA POOL” screen below put in your Social Media Pool Details . . . Please note - You can have up to 75 invitation slots in any Social Media Pool - You need to set an Expiry date for the Social Media Pool

3, Once the Social Media Pool has been created – you can send Invitations into your new League to potential Players via: - Facebook - Twitter - Or by sharing the invitation via WhatsApp or posting a link into other Social Media.

Highlight the social media invitation link and “Share” on WhatsApp; send by SMS or copy and paste or share the link into any Social Media account, Newsletter or Blog that you may have.

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